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Activator Methods

Activator toolMany people want to try chiropractic, but are concerned they’ll be “popped” or “cracked.” The good news is we can get a very effective adjustment that’s also gentle with the Activator instrument, which does the adjusting.

Because an instrument is used, much less force is required. So if people are ever nervous or hesitant, or simply don’t like that big popping or cracking sound that you sometimes get at the chiropractor, then Activator is a good fit for them.

Highly Precise & Specific

Because we’re using an instrument, we can adjust at particular angles and make specific corrections within the body, more so than you can by hand. Dr. Hayes will analyze everything from head to toe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe?

Yes, completely! The biggest difference is that the adjustment is given with a tool.

How do you put someone at ease if they’re nervous about Dr. Hayes using the Activator tool?

Dr. Hayes can show how the instrument works on a different part of your body (e.g. your hand or arm), so you can anticipate what it would feel like. “I always fully explain what I’m going to do and give an example before we do the technique,” he said.

For kids who may be nervous about getting adjusted with the Activator, Dr. Hayes can use it on their parents first.

Is it making any changes?

Yes. The tool doesn’t go deep, so the force into the body is not particularly strong. “However, because it’s moving so fast, you’re able to get the same correction that you would doing things by hand, because the instrument can move faster than my hands,” said Dr. Hayes. Activator also allows him to provide a highly precise adjustment.

Book an Appointment

Contact Continuum Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment!


Activator Greenville SC | (864) 605-7350